Black & White Wednesday

Another photograph from Castle Espie this week. The photograph is of the Wishing tree at the start/finish of the Secret Swamp. The young man running towards it is my grandson, I had asked him to sit at the bottom of the tree. But running was his option not sitting, way to much energy.

The Wishing tree at Castle Espie, County Down, Northern Ireland.

In the photograph he is slightly blurred due to a low shutter speed I had set for him sitting. But I still like the effect, his wish was to run fast. I think he was granted it.

Camera: nikon D7200 with a Sigma 17-70 mm lens.

Data: ISO 320 : f3.5 @ 1/30 second : lens focal length 39mm.

Thank you for visiting.

George McNeill.

Black & White Wednesday

My image this week is part of a Hawthorn tree. It was growing near the top of a hill and the rising sun was back lighting the young leaves. It makes a good colour image but my thoughts were the tones it would show in B&W.  I’ll leave you to judge the image for yourself.


Nikon D7200 with a Sigma C 150-600 mm lens.

Shot at f5 using the  150mm setting on the lens  and ISO 800.

Feedback always welcome.

Stay safe.


Black and White Wednesday.

This was taken a couple of years ago along the coast in County Down, Northern Ireland. I was coming back from a photography day out and saw this has I rounded a corner.


In truth the photo did not do this scene justice.

Thank you for visiting.

Have a good day,



Black and White Wednesday

Took this on a walk around Hillsborough forest park, it was shot with the bright sunny sky behind it. Post edited in Lightroom and finished in Sliver Efex Pro, Nik Collection by DxO.

woodland bw-.JPG

Thank you for visiting, comments are welcome.

Merry Christmas




Monochrome day

I have a love for black and white images so this week, yep it’s like the weather here. Not much colour with a mix of snow, mist and the never to far away RAIN. So the first image is another misty lough shot.

mourne --2.jpg

This was taken last week, I enlarged the grain a little to soften the image to get the effect of B&W film I shot some years ago.

This next shot was taken with a telephoto lens and edited in Silver Efex Pro2 which is part of the Nik Collection.

mourne --5.jpg

This was taken in the afternoon before sunset with the light coming in from the right and the clouds acting like a large light modifier on the landscape. Also giving a nice rim light to the clouds. This is the Mourne mountains in County Down, Ireland with the cloud covering Slieve Donard the highest mountain in Northern Ireland.

And my last shot I took was of some woods near my daughters home. It was the play of light and shadow on the texture and into the trees that drew me to this shot.

mourne --4.jpg

I edit all my raw images in Lightroom before finishing with Silver Efex Pro2 for any monochrome shots. I hoped you enjoyed the blog, please feel free to leave a comments. What you like or dislike, what software you use for B&W editing or for colour.

Thank you for visiting, liking and your comments. Have a good weekend.


Beech trees and barely straw.

Was visiting in the country side and running along the lane way to the house is a fine stand of trees. With the weather grand and camera in hand off I went. So here are a couple of shots from my stroll along the wood.ray 1.JPG

ray 3 B&W.JPG

So thank you for visiting and feel to comment. Like or dislike let me know.

Have a good day.

Spring morning in the back yard.

Woke this morning to the rising sun hitting the bedroom window, one look and I and my old pal where quick to get outside. I was setting up the tripod just has the last of the mist was kissing the lough surface. I took these with a 70- 300 telephoto lens, bracketing some of them and editing them in HDR Efex Pro. With the mist and a hoar frost coating the foliage it was a beautiful morning to be out. My old pal enjoyed following whatever scents and trails he was came across. Exploring the world by his nose like dogs do.

lough mist 3.JPG

lough mist 2.JPG

lough mist 1.JPG

Thank you for visiting.


Lake Muckno

Sunday evening and it looked like it was going to be a lovely sunset, so took a drive over to Lake Muckno in Country Monaghan. Any clouds in the evening sky must have went else where has the sunset, the sky went flat. So shot a few Black and white photos. With interesting trees and the last on the sun has it dropped into the hills. With the camera on the tripod I got this shot.

Mucko  trees1.JPG

I love the beauty in these twisted limbs as if they were drawn in a quick sketch. A short walk saw me looking over a short stretch of water at what I think is the water skiing club.

Mucko lake1.JPG

Has I drove home over higher ground I saw the last of a beautiful sunset in the direction of my home.

Thank you for visiting.


Standing pair hdr1.JPG

We stand on a hill top, watching the passing of time.

The world of change goes spinning pass

Vast forest of our ancestors, culled long ago,

Land naked for man to grow his food,

Or cleared to build his caves.

Soon no place left, for him to rest his soul,

Or clean the air, that’s life for him.

Upon this little hilltop,

There’s now just two of us.

Our leaves there are no more.

Thank you.

Below is a quote from John O’ Donohue. I was given a book many years back by this man and his writing awoke a spirit within me.

“Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits.”
John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

Is photography art, an age old question.

Been very busy this last few months so the camera has not seen a lot for use. So any breaks  in working, I have my nose stuck in a book even if it’s only a lunch break. I love reading anything from the daily paper to whatever catches my eye. I bought a photographic magazine which there was a letter asking is photography art. I believe it is, I decide on a number of settings which affects the look of the in camera shot before pressing the shutter. There there is the post shot processing, which is unlimited in the looks you can achieve or the message you hope to convey. I got a book yesterday called ‘ Why it does not have to be in focus’ Modern Photography Explained by Jackie Higgins. Published by Thames & Hudson ISBN 978-0-500-29095-8 . My base for buying this book came about from reading that letter. Jackie Higgins explains the artistry behind 100 key works of modern photography. Into chapter 2 and it makes an interesting read into the art of modern photography and the expression expressed within the image.

My photographs here don’t claim to be works of modern photography, but are they what I saw in front of my camera.

old house 1a.jpg

Trying to figure if the trees were holding this upright.


The frost was real.

Thank you for visiting