Wet weather motorcycling in the Peak District UK.

So Friday the 8th September rolls round and its an early start for me. Motorcycle packed and its off to Dublin to catch the ferry across to Wales. Leaving the house the dark and wet morning wasn’t looking good for a 100 mile plus ride to the ferry. Heading south the weather picked up and by the time we cast off the sun had replaced the grey sky.


Irish ferries terminal Dublin Port. With a slight swell on the water it was out pass Howth peninsula has it projects out into the Irish sea.


Leaving the harbour in Wales you could see the rain falling in the distance. It wasn’t long before the lovely welsh mountains disappeared  behind a curtain off falling water. When I arrived at The Royal Oak pub and camp site the with the sky grey but bright. The start of the tent village started to appear on the slightly sloping camp site.


The last dry photo of the day before the rain returned. with a wall of water falling it was time for a beer and motorcycle talk in the bar. Saturday started like Friday finished, yep it was still raining. What should have been a ride out with scenic views over the Peak district. Turned out to spot the roadside hedge’s. Yes it was really a wet day. We hit lucky once and stopped at Lady Bower reservoir where I got a couple of photos.

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So this lasted about 5 minutes before …….. yep you guessed it. More rain.

It was great to meet up with friends old and new.

Sunday comes and its time to pack up and head home, or in my case head north to Scotland. Will be there on Monday and hope to get some posts done has I travel around the coast over the next couple of weeks.

Thank you all for spending a little of your time here.
