Black & White Wednesday

Welcome to another B&W Wednesday, the photograph this week of a Cabbage White butterfly. It was taken with a 150-600 mm telephoto lens. Using a telephoto lens allows you to stand well back from your subject, less chance of spooking them.

Shot in raw format and edited in LR with the final edit in Nik Silver Efex Pro.

Photographed using a Nikon D7200,

Sigma 150-600 mm lens.

ISO: 400, f8 , 1/800 sec. Lens focal length 550 mm.

Thank you for visiting and stay safe.


Black and White Wednesday

Been a while since I posted a Black and white photo on B&W Wednesday. So time to get started again.


A Hover fly shot in the evening light with a Nikon D7200 and a Sigma 105mm macro lens.

Thank you for visiting


Black & white Wednesday

This week its a B&W butterfly the Pieris rapae, small white or Small Cabbage White.

This was shot using a Nikon D7200 and Sigma 105 macro lens. Converted to B&W in Lightroom.

B&W Wed-1.JPG

Thank you for visiting and please feel free to comment, like or dislike.

Have a great day,


Bee’s and butterflies

It’s been a while since I last posted, I had planned to stop this blog due to a number of things. Number one on the list was no motivation, so now having rested and with the support from friends plus followers from the blog, let’s continue. Thank you all.

Bee’s and Butterflies. 

We have had a hot summer here in Ireland, not much rain. Hosepipe ban’s and a lot of native people with a tan. Both rare in Ireland. With all this sunshine the butterflies are around in large numbers. The other thing I have been photographing is bee’s. Not to hard a subject has they flirt with the Blackberry flowers in the hedgerows.



I liked the fly which was captured in this shot.


This is a Ringlet  which is getting a little worn looking.


So I decided bee’s flying would be a good subject to try, have you ever tried to photograph them in flight. It great fun and the hours disappear. So armed with a Nikon D7200 and a Sigma 105mm Macro lens fitted, a nice sunny day to keep shutter speeds up into battle I went.


Why do bee’s always take off facing the wrong way, this kind of shot was the flavor off the first hour or so. I don’t give in easy.  A coffee break and it was back to the front line. I started to notice bee’s lift the rear end up slightly before take off. Which didn’t help when they are going the wrong direction. So in between the bee’s I got some other close up’s ( these a chopped in post).


Hover fly.



Clover flower caught in a light breeze. Yes it’s the effect of the slight movement that I like in this shot.


Not a hundred percent on this plant but I think it’s English Plantain. These plant shots were taken by lying on the ground with the camera. Focusing  in live view, use the self timer and press the shutter release. Right back to the bee’s.





After about two hours my success rate way getting better. I enjoyed this little challenge and will give it another try. Might try flash the next time. Now on to some butterflies. The next shots are Large Cabbage whites.





The large cabbage white from different angles. Was going to try shooting these in flight but did not get one sharp shot. Bee’s are easy compared to butterflies.

For the final photo I’ll leave you with my favourite, a close up of one feeding.


Thank you for joining me in the garden, please feel free to comment. I would love to hear your thoughts or tips on shooting these subjects.




Spittle Bug the Movie

I posted a photograph on my 365 challenge of a Spittle Bug/Froghopper. While photographing it I also recorded a short movie clip. I would like to point out that the top end of the bug in the clip is in fact the bottom end of the bug, not has some have said look at it’s mouth…..

Spittle Bug the Movie

I leave you with the above link. enjoy and all have a lovely weekend.