52 week Black and White.

Week 5

Another Irish photo rally point this week. It comes from the town of Pomeroy in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.


It is number six on the Irish photo rally map.

The lady with the golden hair, Pomeroy, County Tyrone

If you would like to see the colour photo it’s on my Instagram account.


Thank you and wherever you are in the world be kind to one another ☘️

52 week Black and White

week five.

So with a mini heat wave this week I got out on the motorbike. I done one off the Irish photo rally points. http://www.irishphotorally.ie/

For those that look at the I. P. R site this photo is number five on the map.

This is the old Water pump/post office in Donaghmoyne in County Monaghan.

The date above the door is 1857, not sure if it was a post office from that date.. Today it could be somes home.

The m/c is a BMW r1200gs and me and this old girl has covered many happy miles. Hopefully a few more this year.

52 week Black and White.

Week 4

This weeks image is from Drumkeeragh Forest. It was taken on my Sony mobile and edited in Snapseed. The image shows Sleive Croob through the trees with the evening sun dropping behind the trees.

Sleive Croob

Part of doing this 52 week Black and White is to capture the moment with what camera you have. When walking I don’t alway carry my camera, I always have my mobile/cell phone. So maybe the image quality isn’t the greatest be its fun to take, edit and post here or social media in a few minutes. So have fun, experiment and enjoy travelling light sometimes.

George ☘️

52 week : Black and White

Ths weeks image is off the Hooded Crow. It was taken at the County Down coast here in Northern Ireland. It is a black and grey coloured bird so not a hard b&w conversion.

Hooded crow.

A little info on the editing.

This wwas taken on a Nikon D7200 and a Sigma 150-600mm lens. Using the camera WiFi and the Nikon app on my mobile phone, I downloaded the image has a Raw file. Using Snapseed Raw I processed the image. Uploaded it to WordPress, and now you view it. The whole process took around 10 minutes.

Take care,


Jeff Wright Memorial Scramble

Hello all, it’s been a few months since I last posted here on this blog. So finally the country is starting to open up again and this was the first the camera has been out bar a few photos around home. The Jeff Wright memorial scramble ( motocross being the more modern name) is run by the Ulster Classic Motorcycle Club ( http://www.ulsterclassicmotorcycleclub.com) They only allow bikes built before 31 Dec 1984 / air cooled/drum brakes to race at UCMCC events. All proceeds from this meeting go to Motor neurone disease association the disease that took the life of Jeff Wright.

The event was run at the Laurelbank MX Park in County Down Northern Ireland and owed by the Temple Motor cycle and Athletic club.

There where three grades of riders A,B and C, the photos posted are in no particular order and I apologize if I get any names wrong.

Ryan McMaster 1979 400cc Maico
77 David Wilson 1967 500cc BSA

This block of images : 60 Billy Keenan 1973 400cc Husqvarna

204 John Guy 1982 480cc Honda

169 Steven Beattie 1981 490cc Maico
60 Billy Keenan 1973 400cc Husqvarna
89 John Shepherd 1974 250 CZ
Grade C start.
184 Joanne Halpin 1977 250 Swm
22 Johnny Reid 1977 400 Yamaha getting it sideways.
Motion in mud.

If you got this far, thank you. There are many more images for the race event, but hopefully you got a flavour of the evenings event. An event like this is not all about the racers but also about the people who attend the event. The families and friends who support the racers, the first aiders and organisers, the marshals who give there time so we can enjoy an evening like this in safety. Thank you all. To Raymond aka Nick a pleasure to meet you and hi to Billy Keenan ( number 60 ).

Stay safe and enjoy life


Camera :Nikon D7200 with a Tamron SP 70 – 200 2.8 lens: ISO auto : Shutter speed priority.

Black & White Wednesday

Welcome to another B & W Wednesday, hope all is well in you in your part of the world. The norm of this post is a single photograph. I will be posting a few images if they are related to the day and place they where photographed.

So the location is in the Dromara hills close to my home. The morning was heavy fog but around 11.30 am the sun was burning it off and opening the views to that layered effect.

This was taken has I climbed up through Drumkerragh forest has the fog was thinning.

With the fog clearing quickly has I walked higher up into the forest the sound of crows and ravens filled the valley with there calls. Pairs flying from tree top to tree top it gave me a chance to get a few nice images. This one below is off a couple of Ravens on a dead tree.

Raven ( Corvus corax) is a member of the crow family.


In spring if you ever get the chance to watch Ravens do their courting flight, please watch them. They love to fly and at times you might think they have a death wish has they race towards the earth.

Here’s a link to a short Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFKcj9aN7ZI

My next encounter was a small bird of prey, a Kestrel. I saw it sitting on a tree top and slowly made my way towards it. I lost sight of it and then has I rounded a group of trees there she sat. I got a few images has she sat looking around her but a bunch of twigs was spoiling them. Then she took off and came my way drifting on the breeze looking for prey. Nearly above me she started to hover and that’s when I got the following image.

Female Kestrel.

Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) belongs to the falcon family of birds.


These are another fun bird to watch has they hover in the sky looking for small prey on the ground, when spotted the drop at great speed onto there prey.

Kestrel hovering, this is a great slow motion film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0D-J0cgJME

Kestrel hovering and the dive in real time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaRSihpIU34

Hope you enjoyed a little part of my morning walk and a few of the wildlife we have here in Northern Ireland.

Take care and stay safe.


Black & White Wednesday

Hello to my visitors, hope you are all keeping well where-ever you are in our crazy world. This week I would like to meet a home invader. Been caught in my living room, sitting on my sofa, in my kitchen. But is always welcome to come in and get petted. So the other morning I was going out to the coast to do some photography, it was sitting on the doorstep and the sun was reflecting off the white van. So I grabbed the camera and took three or four photos. I turned one into this weeks B & W image. It was only when I looked at the finished photo I thought this is a grumpy looking cat. But it a very friendly and adores getting attention. Did you notice it sits with a front paw up like you would see some dogs do. It always sits like this, at first I thought it might have a sore paw ( hence the grumpy look) but seems to walk and run ok.

Grumpy cat..

So this my house invader, always welcome to come in.

I used a Nikon D7200 fitted with a Tamron 70 – 200 mm SP lens.

Photo data: f/4, 1/60 sec shutter speed. ISO 100 and lens focal length 78 mm.

Thank you for visiting and be kind to all living things.


Black & White Wednesday

Out early Sunday morning and went up to my local woods, Drumkerragh Forest. A misty view of the forest and Slieve Croob mountain greeted me. Has I set off with camera bag and monopod on my walk, I hoped the sun would burn off the mist. After three hours of walking and into my final mile the sun started to do its job.

This was taken with a Sigma 150-600 mm lens, shot at 240mm. I love the way a telephoto lens can give the appearance of compressed distance between distant objects in a scene.

This area has a large number of ravens around the woods at this time of the year. Walking towards some dead trees just of the trail. Two landed close by on one of the trees.

Missed the first one in but caught the second one landing has seen above.

This next shot is a silhouette shot edited in Silver efex pro, I use this to edit all my B&W images.

Again it contains a lone Raven sitting calling across the valley.

The start of the walk did not look promising from a photography point but I ended the morning with a few good shots to edit in the evening.

Thank you for visiting and stay safe.
